Download Kaizen Framework

Click here to download Kaizen. version : 1.1.8

You can download the latest kaizen version and configure it wherever you want. The whole configuration process is explained in the video below.

Configuring Kaizen on your server is very easy.

Step 1
Just download the kaizen framework from here.

Step 2
Extract the rar file in your hosting folder.

Step 3
Open the kaizenscript.sql. Run the script in MS-SQL database.

Step 4
Open Web.config file and put the database details like database name, login id and password.
KaizenMVCdbEntities tag.
That's it, you are ready to start building applications in Kaizen Framework.
The default developer login details are developer and password is developer.
If you need more help on making applications, please see the other videos on this channel.

To configure Kaizen on a server, below are the requirements.

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • IIS 7
  • Crystal Report Runtime (32bit) (64bit)

If you already have old Kaizen on your server and wants to update it to the the latest version, click here. This will update your existing kaizen to version : 1.1.8

Updating Kaizen on your server is very easy.

Step 1
Just download the kaizen update from here.

Step 2
Extract the rar file and Overwrite all folders in your hosting folder.

Step 3
Open the kaizenupdate.sql.
Run the script in MS-SQL database.

Step 4
Open Web.config file and add tag if missing
<add key="PasswordLabel" value="Password" />
<add key="DynamicLogin" value="false" />
<add key="SecureHtmlTagSubmission" value="false" />
<add key="OpenShortcutNewWindow" value="true" />
<add key="encryptLoginPassword" value="false" />
<add key="DisableCookies" value="false" />
<add key="LoginCookieExpireInDays" value="0" />
<add key="AllowRememberMe" value="false" />

That's it, you are ready updated Kaizen Framework.

version : 1.0.14
Multiple auto-complete was not working in child grid
Bug in list version : 1.0.15
Multiple column in auto-complete

version : 1.0.16
Set from date and to date in date input

version : 1.0.17
Added excel and word in print report
Optimize list

version : 1.0.18
Where clause for print in list

version : 1.1.1
New version of SQL management
Setting added in kz_Configuration, Print in same or separate row
select all in lookup
Set print file Name
Encrypt password while login
single connection string in web.config

version : 1.1.2
Scheduling API
Filter is Page List
Speedup Page List for Huge data
Multiple file upload check
Direct Print after save

version : 1.1.3
Permission added in Role master to download list

version : 1.1.5 (6-Mar-2023)
Added List Where Clause and Print Where Clause for print
Scheduling in API
Added clearEditData in populateChild

version : 1.1.6 (13-Mar-2023)
Added scan Barcode and Qrcode scan field

version : 1.1.7 (21-Mar-2023)
Added company wise logo

version : 1.1.7 (30-Mar-2023)